Shepherds award:
Three top cash prizes will be awarded: $40, $20, $10.
40% Promotion of lamb and wool
20% Barn activities
20% Exhibit ID and penning/tack area neatness and cleanliness
10% cooperation and general attitude
10% appropriate show attire.

The Massachusetts Sheep Show Rules and Regulations
1. Exhibits will be received on the grounds prior to 11:00 am on Saturday.
2. Sheep must be free of infectious diseases. Sheep may be examined by an animal health representative before unloading. Please refer to the health regulations.
3. Sheep must be unloaded and penned to qualify for premiums.
4. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all animals it feels are undesirable.
5. All animals must be identified by an ear tag or tattoo and registration papers should be available where possible. Animals must be entered the same way they are registered. Direct registration questions to the superintendent.
6. Exhibitors are limited to two premiums in single classes and one premium in group classes. Sheep must have been exhibited in single classes to compete in group classes.
7. The first 325 sheep entered will be accepted. After this, a waiting list system will be operated. Premiums are available to MA exhibitors, and out-of-state exhibitors as funds become available.
8. Placing will be determined on the basis of quality of the sheep. The decision of the judge is final.
9. All sheep must remain on exhibit until excused.
10. **NEW** Judging will start promptly at 12:30 pm Saturday and 8:30 am Sunday.
11. The management will not be responsible for the loss or damage of exhibits or injury to animals or persons.
12. All animals must be shown in short fleece, not to exceed 1 inch, except wool breeds.
13. The exhibitor must furnish grain, hay and bedding.
14. Any variation of these rules will be at the discretion of the committee.
15. DRESS CODE: Exhibitors should wear solid color pants (in good repair), and plain or farm logo shirts.
16. Entry deadline: May 1 . An entry fee of $3.00 per animal entered in each single class must accompany entry form when mailed to Sheep Show Secretary. The entry fee for late animals will be $6.00 per animal. This will be strictly enforced. Use General Entry Form
17. Age of Yearlings will be figured as of September 1st. Lamb classes will be divided into junior, intermediate and senior divisions as follows:
Seniors: (except Dorsets)
September 1 –December 31,
Dorsets September 1 – November 30
Intermediate: (except Dorsets)
January 1 – February 15;
Dorsets December 1 – January 31
Juniors: (except Dorsets)
February 16 & after;
Dorsets on February 1 & after.
18. Exhibitors in the cattle barns will take down their pens and push any bedding to the middle of the aisle before leaving.
19. BREED QUALIFICATIONS RULES (please note, changes have been made).
If a breed that had 2 exhibitors and 8 sheep SHOWN last year but does not have 2/8 this year, they will be shown separately and receive trophies this year. NEXT YEAR they will be in AOB Meat or Wool.
If a breed that did not have 2 exhibitors and 8 sheep SHOWN last year has 2/8 this year, they will be shown separately this year, but will only receive trophies IF there are extra. NEXT YEAR they will be shown separately and have their own trophies.
Number of Sheep |
Placing Points |
1-5 | 5 4 3 2….. |
Purebred Sheep Show Classes:
1. Yearling Ram (over 1 year)
2. Senior Ram Lamb
3. Intermediate Ram Lamb
4. Junior Ram Lamb
5. Yearling Ewe
6. Pair of Yearling Ewes
7. Senior Ewe Lamb
8. Intermediate Ewe Lamb
9. Junior Ewe Lamb
10. Pair of Ewe Lambs
11. Pen of three lambs, both sexes, bred & owned by exhibitor
12. Family Flock – Ram (any age) two Yearling Ewes, two Ewe Lambs, owned by one or more members of the same family
Breed Champion Ram & Ewe Trophy
Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe (Meat Breeds)
Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe (Wool Breeds)
Market Lambs, All Breeds Competing:
13. Light
14. Medium
15. Heavy
Cliff Thayer Memorial Fitting & Showmanship Contest
The fitting and showmanship contest is open to all youth, ages 5-20 as of January 1st of the year of the show.
16. Senior Showmanship
17. Intermediate Showmanship
18. Junior Showmanship
19. Novice/1st year Showmanship, ages 5-9 as of January 1st of the year of the show.
Senior, Intermediate, and Junior Showmanship will be divided by age based on entries. All exhibitors will show in proper attire with NO EXCEPTIONS. Use of halters is optional. Additional classes will be added if numbers warrant!
Sheep Show Schedule
Saturday, May 25 – 12:30 PM
Fitting and Showmanship
Market Lambs
Dorset Advantage
Border Leicester
Horned Dorset
Sunday, May 26 – 8:30 AM
Natural Colored
Polled Dorset

Supreme Champion Ram, Ewe, and Best Fleece to conclude the show.
**If additional breeds are entered, they will be placed in AOB wool and AOB meat.
Sunday lunch break will be 12:30 sharp to allow Lead Line participants to prepare.
Entry Form
Camper/Trailer Registration
Camping Online Reservation Form
Click to reserve online
Camping Mail In Reservation Form
Click for PDF – Reserve by mail
Past Winners
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ram – Southdown Senior Ram Lamb, Jessica Leary, Oakham, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ewe – Dorset Yearling Ewe, Abigail Parks, Leyden, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ram – Lincoln Senior Ram Lamb, Brent Cassavant, Oakham, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ewe – Cotswold Yearling Ewe, Linda Schauwecker, Plympton, MA
Supreme Champion Fleece – Border Leicester Yearling Ewe, Kaya Farrington, Cummington, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ram -Shropshire Junior Ram Lamb, Lesley Giles, Townsend, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ewe-Dorset Senior Ewe Lamb, Abigail Parks, Leyden, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ram -Lincoln Senior Ram Lamb, Peter Priest, Ludlow, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ewe – Romney Yearling Ewe, Megan Higgins, Coventry, CT
Supreme Champion Fleece – Natural Colored Senior Ram Lamb,Daniel Epe, Pittsfield, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ram – Shropshire Yearling Ram, Connor Priest, Ludlow, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ewe – Tunis Yearling Ewe, Faustyna Jaracz, Cummington, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ram – Cotswold Yearling Ram, Linda Schauwecker, Plympton, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ewe – Natural Colored Yearling Ewe, Daniel Epe, Pittsfield, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ram –Tunis Yearling Ram, Aaron Loux, Cummington, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ewe – Dorset Yearling Ewe, Madelyn Syme, South Windsor, CT
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ram – Cotswold Yearling Ram, Orion Acres, Plympton, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ewe – Lincoln Yearling Ewe, Wind Valley Farm, Oakham, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ram – Dorset Senior Ram Lamb, Evan Syme, South Windsor, CT
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ewe – Shropshire Yearling Ewe, Addisen Nicholson, South Windsor, CT
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ram – Natural Colored Yearling Ram, Megan Higgins, Coventry, CT
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ewe – Columbia Senior Ewe Lamb, Steve Hampson, Shirley, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ram – Southdown Yearling Ram, Alyssa Weld, Warwick, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ewe – Dorset Junior Ewe Lamb, Evan Syme, South Windsor, CT
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ram – Cotswold Yearling Ram, Fred Schauwecker, Plympton, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ewe – Natural Colored Yearling Ewe, Morgan Syme, South Windsor, CT
Click here for complete 2017 results
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ram – Tunis Yearling Ram, Aaron Loux, Cummington, MA
Supreme Champion Meat Breeds Ewe – Dorset Yearling Ewe, Evan Syme, South Windsor, CT
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ram – Cotswold Yearling Ram, Linda Schauwecker, Plympton, MA
Supreme Champion Wool Breeds Ewe – Cotswold Yearling Ram, Linda Schauwecker, Plympton, MA