Saturday, May 25

Corded Wool Footstool Weaving

Presenter: Katie Gibbons
Workshop for Adult & Teen
Time: Saturday  – 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Location: Fiber Shed 8
Class Fee: $66

Description: Dreaming of a soft luxurious place to put your feet? Then this is the class for you! Utilizing a classic rush pattern and our lush alpaca/wool blend core spun yarn, students will be able to create their own footstool masterpiece. No seat weaving experience necessary. Great project to share with children 10 and above, with direct adult supervision.
Materials Fee: $80 to be paid to teacher day of workshop. Materials fee includes the stool frame and plenty of Alchemy Fiber Mill corded wool to complete the project.

Corded Wool Footstool Weaving


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