Sunday, May 26

Intro to Wet Felting

Adult & Teens
Sunday, May 26 – 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Fiber Shed: 6
Presenter: Marcia Weinart –
Class Fee: $10

Come play with a rainbow of unspun wool and some soapy water, to discover how some of the very first fabric was made!  We’ll discover how to turn wool into jewelry, toys, clothes, and household decorations in a sloshy whirlwind of fun: FOUR projects in just two hours!!
AGE: kids 8-13, with adult companion, anyone ages 14 to adult
MATERIALS FEE: $5 to be paid to instructor at class time, for all fibers and use of tools.
Instructor provides: all materials: wool, embellishments, and loan of all tools


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