Saturday, May 25
Intro to Tunisian – Learn Tunisian Crochet Stitches!
Presenter: Heather McQueen
Workshop for Adult & Teen
Location:May 25, 1:00-3:00 pm
Fiber Shed: 7
Class Fee: $44
Tunisian crochet combines a special crochet hook with familiar crochet stitches to make unique fabrics. Tunisian crochet stitches can mimic knit and purl stitches well enough to fool the seasoned knitter. Stitches can be bold and chunky or light and lacy. This workshop will introduce the four basic stitches, as well as how to start and end a piece. This is a techniques class; students will be provided with instructions to turn their swatch into a pouch if they would like a functional object. This is not a beginners class. Students must be able to chain, single crochet, and slip stitch with confidence.
Homework: If you haven’t crocheted in a while, please practice chains, double crochet, and slipstitch before coming to the workshop.
Materials fee: $15 payable to presenter day of workshop (cash or venmo). Includes one tunisian crochet hook and all yarn for the class. (Tunisian hooks cost more than regular crochet hooks)
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